
Experts in quality and sustainable rest

The Cotoblau Group began its activity in 2002 in the Valencian town of Benissoda as a manufacturer of mattress covers and protectors. At the beginning, 100% of the production was exclusively destined for the international market, although today 30% is sold nationally.Under the premise of offering a high quality product, since its beginnings Cotoblau uses high quality fabrics, such as organic cotton, as well as cutting-edge technologies and treatments.We want to take a step forward and we try to ensure that every year Cotoblau maintains and improves the spirit of evolution, innovation and continuous improvement in order to offer our customers a quality product and service.

Càndid Penalba Peiró


To remain a leading manufacturer of protective covers and other textile products, as well as to improve the quality and design of our products.


To be a leading company in the manufacture, marketing and distribution of protectors and other products that can reach any area where there is a customer niche.


Thanks to the whole team, we have a purpose that guides our attitudes while maintaining common values, quality, sustainability, passion and honesty.

Our brands

Cotoblau Group

Thanks to our brands, we create products that are manufactured and marketed with the aim of meeting the needs of a wide and diverse public, providing quality solutions.

Behind Kamasana there is a personal story of responsibility, teamwork, leadership and innovation; values that we share with our almost 300 employees and that represent the pillars on which our corporate culture is based.Our long family history in the textile sector and our vision towards a sustainable, efficient and automated industry give our products a differentiating added value.We want to continue to be a socially responsible company that contributes to the balance between social welfare, environmental care and economic growth at home and abroad.

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Undoubtedly one of the most gratifying sensations one can feel is to feel protected, to know that someone is looking after us. Under this premise, Cotopur has created its line of products, an extensive range of mattress and pillow protectors and covers that guarantee a comfortable, hygienic and safe rest.With the careful selection of natural fibres and the application of the most innovative and effective treatments, in Cotopur we take care of your rest, we take care of you. At the same time, and with the aim of achieving a healthy rest, our products are made with natural and ecological fibres. Fabrics that after a high-tech sanitization process guarantee bioactive or anti-stain protection.

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At Indalo we market mattress covers through a transparent, fresh and modern brand. We believe that our products are essential for the daily life of our consumers. That is why we always offer versatile and quality solutions adapted to each case.We manufacture under sustainable and responsible values with nature and society. All of this while guaranteeing correct hygiene, as we affirm that the protection of our mattress is essential for our quality of life, keeping us out of the reach of mites, mould and other problems that may appear.
Visit our website and get to know our products and our way of manufacturing and contributing to the protection of the environment.

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Square meters



Recyclable materials






Years of experience



Garments manufactured weekly

Some facts

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Premios y certificados

Certificados de empresa



Countries where our products are sold worldwide


Continents where Cotoblau occurs