Ethical channel

COTOBLAU Internal Reporting Channel and Internal Reporting System Policy

The Ethics Channel, as COTOBLAU S.A.‘s internal information channel, is the preferred channel for communicating possible infractions committed in a work or professional context, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption.

The aforementioned Channel is part of the Internal Information System (“SII”) of COTOBLAU S.A., which is managed in accordance with the general principles established in our SII Policy, which can be consulted here.

Communications to the Internal Information Channel of COTOBLAU S.A.

Communications may be made in any of the following ways:

  1. Using the attached form.
  2. By sending a written communication to the attention of the person in charge of the Internal Information System of COTOBLAU S.A., to the following postal address: COTOBLAU S.A. C/ L’Agulla, 7 P.I. El Pla, Ontinyent 46870 (Valencia).
  3. At the informant’s request, made through any of the identified channels, the communication may also be submitted by requesting a face-to-face meeting with the Head of the Internal Information System.

The communications received in the Internal Information Channel of COTOBLAU S.A. will be processed in a way that guarantees the confidentiality of the informant. Communications may be made anonymously.


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