Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the general information details of the website are given below.

Website address:

Holder name:

C/ L'Agulla, 7 y 9
Poligon Industrial El Pla
46870 Ontinyent (VALÈNCIA) Spain

Customer service: 902 023 376

The graphic designs, images, texts, as well as the information and contents included in are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of COTOBLAU, S.A. and the total or partial reproduction and/or publication of the website, its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation or decompilation, or any other legally recognised rights of the owner, are not permitted without the prior written permission of the owner.

If you choose to leave this website through links to websites that do not belong to our company, COTOBLAU, S.A. shall not be held responsible for compliance with the legal obligations of said websites.

All notifications and communications between users and COTOBLAU, S.A. will be considered effective, for all purposes, when made by post or e-mail.


Data controller.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption, as well as the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection and the Organic Law on Data Protection, 3/2018 of 5 December 2018, COTOBLAU S.A. is the entity responsible for the processing.

Categories of data processed and purpose of processing

All personal data will be obtained from the information you provide us with, which may include identification data, contact details, data relating to the reported event, etc., data strictly necessary for the investigation, which may also include the processing of specially protected data in order to carry out the investigation. If the information received contains specially protected personal data, it will be deleted immediately, without any registration or processing.

The data will be processed for the purpose of managing the complaint or query received, for the sole purpose of processing the same and investigating the facts reported or responding to the query raised.

Under no circumstances will personal data be processed if they are not necessary for the knowledge and investigation of the actions or omissions reported or the response to the relevant consultation, proceeding, where appropriate, to their immediate deletion. Likewise, any personal data that may have been communicated and that refer to conduct that is not included in the scope of application of law 2/2023 will be deleted.

In the event that you choose to identify yourself as the complainant, COTOBLAU S.A. guarantees your confidentiality, so that the processing of the complaint will be carried out preserving your identity.

Legitimacy of the processing

COTOBLAU S.A. is entitled to process your data in order to comply with a legal obligation, in accordance with the provisions of article 30.2 of Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption.

Who can access the data?

Access to the data provided will be limited exclusively to those who perform the following functions for COTOBLAU S.A.:

a) The system administrator and the person directly managing the system.
b) The head of human resources or the duly designated competent body, only when disciplinary measures may be appropriate.
c) the head of the legal services of the institution or body, if legal action may be appropriate in relation to the facts stated in the report.
d) The persons in charge of the processing that may be appointed.
e) The data protection officer, if one has been appointed in the organisation.

Additionally, personal data may be shared with other entities linked to COTOBLAU S.A. in order to coordinate, manage and, where appropriate, execute the actions and/or measures necessary for the management and treatment of the complaint and, where appropriate, the investigation opened in each case.

This communication of data is covered by the legitimate interest of COTOBLAU S.A., consisting of correctly processing the complaints made, in accordance with Recital 48 of the RGPD. Exclusively in the event that an offence is detected, your data may be communicated to third parties (Courts and Tribunals, Security Forces and Corps or Public Administration), in order to comply with the corresponding legal obligations.

Are there any international data transfers or automated decisions?

No international data transfers are foreseen, however, in the event that a provider may be located in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or, being located in the EEA, share information with other entities located outside the EEA, it is ensured that transfers are made to countries for which the European Commission has declared that they provide a level of protection equivalent to the European level.

How long will personal data be kept?

The data processed may be kept in the system for the time necessary to decide whether to initiate an investigation into the facts reported. In any case, after three months have elapsed from the receipt of the communication without any investigation having been initiated, the data will be deleted.

As an exception, the data may remain in the channel as long as the purpose is to leave evidence of the operation, the data being kept anonymised. Thus, once the aforementioned period has elapsed, the data may continue to be processed by the body responsible for the investigation of the reported facts.

What are your data protection rights and how can you exercise them?

The rights to which you are legally entitled and which you may exercise, where applicable, are as follows:

You may consult your personal data that is being processed by COTOBLAU S.A.,

You may modify your personal data when it is inaccurate or incomplete.

You may request the deletion of your personal data.

You may request that your personal data not be processed on the basis of legitimate interest. You may also object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling in so far as it is related to such direct marketing.

Limitation of processing

You may request the restriction of the processing of your data:

  • As long as the accuracy of your data is contested.

  • When the processing is unlawful, but you oppose the deletion of your data, and request the limitation of its use.

  • When COTOBLAU S.A. no longer needs to process your data, but you need them for the exercise or defence of claims.

  • When you have objected to the processing of your data for the fulfilment of a public interest mission or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while verifying whether the legitimate grounds for the processing prevail over yours.

No automated decisions
You may request not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing of your data.

Withdrawing consent
You may withdraw at any time, without retroactive effect, any consent you have previously given to authorise the processing of your data for a particular purpose.

You may receive, in electronic format, the personal data that you have provided to us, as well as transmit them to another entity.

You may exercise the aforementioned rights through the following channels:

  • Postal Address: C/ L'Agulla, 7 P.I. El Pla 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia)

  • E-mail address:

In your communication, the reference "Solicitud Protección de Datos-Exercicio de derechos" (Data Protection Request-Exercise of rights) must be included. Since these are individual rights, COTOBLAU S.A. must verify that they are actually exercised by the interested party or authorised person. Therefore, if COTOBLAU S.A. has doubts about your identity, it may request additional information to confirm it, such as a copy of your identity card, passport or equivalent document that identifies you. In the event that a person authorised by the interested party exercises his or her rights, he or she must prove the identity of the authorised person and provide a document accrediting said authorisation.

If you consider that we have not processed your personal data properly, you may contact the Data Protection Officer through the channels indicated above.

In any case, we inform you that, if you consider that a breach of the applicable data protection regulations has been committed in the processing of your personal data, you also have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (e.g. Spanish Data Protection Agency -